Tea Processing Plants - Tea Processing

Tea Processing Plants

Tea Processing Plants has a major demand across India and vital tea producing nations such as China, Sri Lanka, Kenya and Turkey. The processing plant serves solutions for tea of various varieties like Black Tea, Green Tea, Oolong and White, Yellow and Fermented and more. 

Ideally a tea processing plant processes plucked tea leaves and makes them suitable for packaging and consumption.
The complete tea processing process involves the following steps

a) Withering

Withering is the most vital procedure for tea manufacture. The process ensures reduced moisture content of the leaf that softens it, so it becomes pliable and prepared for rolling process without breaking into flakes.

b) Rolling

The purpose of rolling is lend the ready for sale appearance to the tea leaves. It also ensures that the oils are removed so that fermentation can be initiated. The rolling process is what releases the color, strength, aroma and imparts the taste of widely consumable tea.

c) Roll Breaking

Roll breaking removes twisted leaf off the rolled shoots that sticks and stops circulation, and facilitates further twisting action of the larger leaf.

d) Fermentation/Oxidization

The finer particles collected after roll breaking, are fermented to bring about the changes necessary to make a tea liquor consumable.

e) Firing and Baking

The fermented leaf is next passed through a dryer to absorb all wet components so that there is no further component reaction.

f) Sorting and Grading

The baked tea is then sorted of impurities and graded in accordance with Quality for sale across different segments of the market.
The tea processing plant has efficient PLC control for efficient management of the whole procedure. The high capacity machine ensures a higher turnover. The machine is widely used across by tea suppliers, exporters, traders and retailers.
The tea processing plant ensures a complete solution from cleaning to sorting and packaging. Our design process right from concept to completion and handing over the product to the client, is carried out with constant conversations to model solutions to their exact requirements.

The Distinguished advantages of the tea processing plant are

  • Sturdy manufacture material that ensures non rust long lasting material
  • Transports tea to various parts of the plant
  • Ensures that all the procedure is performed in accordance with set standards
The tea processing machine has to be handled by a skilled staff to derive desired results. If not handled properly the machine may lead to wastage of good product.

Here are a few top reasons to source

  • Latest technological advancement in Design, Manufacturing, Installation, Testing and Commissioning for the Tea processing plants
  • Takes care of the complete Procedure of processing
  • Cost Effective solution that gives trusted performance

For More Details about the Products
Coimbatore, India